Let's decipher the deception: ways to detect lies in video chats
A meeting via the Internet, and especially in the format of a random video chat, can lead to an interesting acquaintance. But people on the other end of the screen are not always sincere with their random interlocutors. The question arises: how to find out if a person is telling the truth? What signs or "red flags" should arouse suspicion? And how to cope with the situation if you suspect that you are being deceived?
The ways to detect lies are quite extensive and varied. The first thing you should pay attention to is the behavior of the interlocutor. If a person often changes facial expressions, makes unnatural and abnormal gestures, avoids looking directly into the camera, this may be a signal that he is hiding something. The second rule: monitor the consistency of speech. If the interlocutor contradicts himself in his stories, jumps from one topic to another without obvious logic or cannot answer direct questions, most likely he is lying. Finally, third, but no less important: listen to your intuition. If something seems dubious, there is probably some truth in it.
The main signs of a lie that are worth considering are jumping eyes, nervous hand movements or a look that evades the camera, contradictory or overly skillful answers to questions, as well as obvious attempts to evade the answer or change the subject. We will talk about how to cope with the situation if you are sure that you are being deceived later.
If you are already sure that your interlocutor is lying, first of all you need to remain calm and not enter into a conflict. Often, liars are waiting for this very reaction to turn the situation in their favor. Instead, try asking a few control questions to check the veracity of the information. If answers come with difficulty and the interlocutor clearly wants to change the subject, this is another signal to take action.
So, having noticed signs of a lie, remain calm and analyze the behavior of the interlocutor. Be diplomatic, ask test questions and do not let yourself be deceived. Remember that there is always the opportunity to end the conversation if it becomes uncomfortable or raises doubts. After all, you are the one who owns your Internet space.