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Overcoming awkwardness in chat roulette: How to get out of a dead end in a conversation

Overcoming awkwardness in chat roulette: How to get out of a dead end in a conversation
Imagine the situation: you have been chatting with a new interlocutor for ten minutes in chat roulette, and suddenly there is silence. All topics seem to have been exhausted, and both of you begin to feel awkward. How to get out of this situation without losing the interlocutor's interest? After all, it is often these moments that determine how pleasant and productive your communication will be as a whole.

First of all, try to stay calm. Awkward pauses happen to every chat roulette user, and this is absolutely normal. Using humor, self-disclosure, and sincere questions can help you easily overcome awkwardness.
For example, try asking open-ended questions that require a detailed answer. Questions like "What do you do in your free time?" or "What movies do you like?" usually stimulate a long conversation. These questions give the interlocutor an opportunity to talk about their interests and preferences, which can only enrich the conversation.
If open-ended questions do not help, use common interests as a life preserver. Think about what you've already discussed and delve deeper into one of the topics. For example, if your interlocutor mentioned his hobby of photography, ask him about his favorite equipment or recently taken photos.
Humor can also be a saving tactic. A light, unobtrusive joke or a funny story about yourself often breaks the ice and promotes more relaxed communication. Just be careful with your choice of jokes so as not to hurt the feelings of the interlocutor.
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